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Press Releases

Alumni Spotlight: Jade Bennett

Learning how to craft an elevator pitch and network effectively was incredibly valuable. Understanding how to network properly and efficiently is an essential skill, especially in Washington D.C. and on Capitol Hill. This skill has stayed with me throughout high school, college, and now in my professional career. I am truly grateful to 21CL for teaching me and other high school students these important skills at such a crucial stage in our lives

Alumni Spotlight: Munzir Ataalsid

Programs like 21CL are a gift of knowledge and experience like no other. One gets to meet new people both peers and professionals, exercise their public speaking and leadership skills, as well as be taken out of their comfort zone so they can improve. Programs like these are crucial as it’s difficult to gain the experience and knowledge by yourself or casually going about life. This focused program rapidly improves your skills and puts you ahead in life, socially and occupationally.

Alumni Spotlight: Lailah Simmons

21CL showed me that leading from a relatable perspective is the best way to bond with people. My counselors at the institute were like big siblings to me for the week I attended 21CL Summer Leadership Institute, and I used the lesson and energy from that bond to be a counselor for 21CL students during the last 2 years. It's helped me truly make an impact on those younger than me.

Alumni Spotlight: James Wilson

Programs like this are important because so many people have leaders sleeping inside themselves, and 21CL and programs like it help to inspire and awaken our inner leader. That was certainly the case for me.

Alumni Spotlight: April Moss

One of the most impactful lessons I learned from 21st Century Leaders is that “though I am young, I can still significantly impact my community.” I’ve carried this mindset into my time at Wake Forest by becoming a Resident Advisor, where I support first-year students in their transition to college and work to foster a welcoming and supportive community. I have also participated in service initiatives, including volunteering at my university’s annual “Hit the Bricks” walk/run fundraiser for the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund and “Victory Day” which is in collaboration with the Down Syndrome Association of Winston-Salem. These experiences have reinforced my commitment to making a positive impact in my community, both now and in the future.

21st Century Leaders Announces First Ever Leadership Certificate from Goizueta Business School for GA H.S. School Students

21st Century Leaders and the Goizueta Business School launched a social enterprise and entrepreneurship curriculum for Georgia's high school students to earn a Leadership Certificate from the business school, a first-ever program of its kind.

Alumni Spotlight: Patrice Johnson

21CL is very intentional about giving students early opportunities to lead. During one program, I was asked to say the dedication over dinner—a first for me. While it was a small task, the experience felt empowering, and the encouragement I received afterward showed me that leadership doesn’t have to be intimidating. This lesson gave me confidence to step into new leadership roles and taught me to volunteer for opportunities, even if they make me nervous or are unfamiliar.

Alumni Spotlight: Mary Grace Feldman

21CL encouraged me to see myself as a leader. As a 17-year-old, I never would have considered myself a leader but 21CL helped me to change my perspective and see that I wasn’t becoming a future leader; I was a leader. This empowered me to pursue new opportunities with confidence. I pursued leadership roles in organizations I was a part of and even spoke up in meetings where I wasn’t the most experienced person in the room. I think this realization came for me through the Georgia Youth Leadership Awards when I received the award in 2018.

Alumni Spotlight: Estefi Herrera-Paredes

21CL connected me with a life-changing internship.  In the summer of 2016, I worked at Warner Bros Discovery (formerly Turner) as a "Turner Voices Intern" for the Department of Culture and Engagement. I even helped plan the following year's summer camp! That internship sparked a chain reaction. I secured internships every summer after that through my growing network, setting me up for success and ultimately leading to a fantastic job that took me from Atlanta to NYC.