Alumni Spotlight: Britney Lovett

0c8f6fcWritten by Britney (Blackwell) Lovett, 21CL Alumni, Cox Communications

21st Century Leaders had a significant impact on my life in high school in several ways. I made so many new friends! I still talk to them even though it has been 7 years since we graduated from high school at Jonesboro High School in Clayton County. I gained an immense amount of knowledge about networking, teamwork and what it means to be a leader. 21CL I believe really gave me the tools to continue the same concepts in my professional career.


21CL exposed me to a career path I wouldn’t have originally considered. Before 21CL, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. After my experience, I was 100% certain I wanted to go to business school and become a businesswoman.

1910317_19452360939_7913_nMy most memorable moment in 21CL was the summer leadership institute, (SYLI @Goizueta) at the Goizueta Business School at Emory University. My stay at Emory was a key point in my life because that is when I decided that when I graduated high school I wanted to go to business school. During my week long stay, I was exposed to what my life could be like in the future. I met a diverse group of business professionals. I was able to stay on the campus which exposed me to college life and I gained so much insight into the business world. The best part was that I was able to experience the whole thing with my friends.

Without a doubt I felt more prepared going into college and taking on leadership roles because of 21CL. I was able to gain some internship experience through the 21st Century Leaders’ Cartoon Network Closet internship program in 2008 while in high school. At went on to attend the University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, where I quickly took on leadership positions in different organizations because it felt natural at the time.

In 21CL, you are encouraged to step outside the box, to seek out opportunities and to help others. Servant Leadership is a term I remember well while in 21CL. I apply it in my everyday working life. In order to lead you must first serve. To make sure others needs are taken care of and not prioritizing your own needs first. I believe this has allowed me to make connections in the workforce. My professional career is doing well because of this mentality. Since graduating from college in 2012, I’ve been promoted twice in the company.

Going through the programs while in high school, I realized I was more analytical than I imagined. I had a passion for technology and the corporate world. For my very first job out of college the person interviewing me for the position happened to be on the board for 21CL and I do believe it was that connection and my skills that helped me land the job. I continue to work at a resource manager for a vendor company onsite at Cox Communications. I’m proud to say that I’ve been promoted twice in the past 3 years.  I thank 21st Century Leaders for inspiring me to become the leader I am today and to discover a career I’m passionate about!

Alumni Spotlight: Marcus Kernizan

profile picAt age 24, Marcus Kernizan is a 21st Century Leaders alumni, a graduate of Georgia State University, where he was the President of the SGA and received the highest leadership award during graduation, and is a recent hire as a consultant at Accenture, a 21CL corporate partner.

Marcus joined 21st Century Leaders in 2007 while in high school at Martin Luther King Jr. High School. It was through 21CL experiences that Marcus’ passion for leadership was forever changed. He says the leadership skills he learned and the professionals he met transformed him to take action at his own high school and ultimately become a strong leader during college and in his new career. As Marcus makes his leadership transition into the work force, we caught up with him about how 21CL shaped him as a leader.


“21st Century Leaders impacted my life in several ways in high school. By participating in the summer leadership institute, Oglethorpe and Leadership Unplugged: A CNN Experience (now Turner Voices Youth Media Institute), I was exposed to various professionals and careers in the media and news industry, which fueled my passion for leadership and on air broadcasting and video editing. And I was able to have a sit-down conversation with one of the company executives where I asked him plenty of questions about his career, and he was able to give me future career advice, ” Kernizan said. “The semester following that summer, I went back to my high school and started our first live morning news program. Looking back, my passion for technology probably wouldn’t have been so strong if I did not participate in this program.”

After his high school graduation in 2009, Marcus went on to attend Georgia State University where he took on leadership roles and received the highest leadership award at GSU’s graduation.

“Because of my experience with 21st Century Leaders, I felt very comfortable with getting involved in leadership positions in college such as serving as President of the Student Government Association at Georgia State University. During my term as President, many of the skills I acquired in 21st Century Leaders were put to use,” Kernizan said. “For example, when I attended dinners and luncheons with University faculty, staff, and city leaders, I used the etiquette skills that were taught in the program. Also I learned the fundamentals of public speaking while in 21CL, which I definitely put to use in college and now will in my career.”

Congratulations, Marcus on your leadership accomplishments thus far! We are proud to call you a 21st Century Leader.